Thursday 23 December 2010

Initial Drafted Ideas| Film Magazine

Inital Idea 1

Initial Idea 2

Initial Idea 3

Initial Drafted Ideas| Film Poster

Inital Idea 1

This initial idea was brought up when we were shooting our grim sink scene in the janitor's closet. As the voodoo doll plays quite a big impact in this teaser trailer, I thought it was a good idea to portray it as a poster. We see the full image of Stacey's dead body, but for the poster I decided to cut out her facial reaction as it reveals too much to the audience and spoils the suspense and buzz when the audience do happen to see the trailer.

Initial Idea 2

My second idea was that Stacey was placed in a centre medium long looking very out of placed compared to the way we see other people walking past. As Stacey is the main protagonist in our teaser trailer, making her stand out would give the audience an idea of what the film is about. An idea for this shot is that it can be portrayed in a shutter shot whereby Stacey could be left in a still clear shot and her surroundings can be blurred out, making Stacey the main object

Initial Idea 3

Initial Idea 4

Initial Idea 5

Initial Idea 6

Monday 13 December 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 13th December 2010

This week, we are strictly focusing on editing and filming in order to try and meet the deadline of the 18th December to post the finished trailer on Youtube.
Today we filmed Stacey running through the corridor using a steadi-cam; to make sure the shot was not too dark, two members of the group had to follow Stacey as she ran through the corridor to the doors. We made sure the distance  was short to ensure the shot remained lighted and is quick.

Monday 6 December 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 6th December 2010

Because of the snow last week, we missed out on two lessons which could have been used to film, so it means we have to work twice as hard to meet our deadline for uploading our finished trailer onto Youtube, which we are using to distribute our teaser trailer.
Today, we spent the lesson doing further editing and recording more sound effects for the new shot and some again, because some of the sounds were lost on the sound recorder.