Monday 29 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 29th November 2010

Today, we spent the lesson focusing on blogger, making new posts and updating posts. We also used this time to discuss any changes we want to make to the trailer and any ideas for the magazine cover and poster.

Monday 22 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 22nd November 2010

Today, we filmed the new shot with Stacey panicking to open the door for the janitor's closet and backing away in distress using a steadi-cam. Lighting was a variable that was difficult to control as the slightest movement of the camera often caused the shot to lack lighting and become dark. After moving the lighting about several times, we achieved a position that works best for the shot. In terms of the shot with Stacey panicking to open the door, we used the steadi-cam to help build tension and suggest the character is feeling anxious. We used a tilt from the handle to the character's face, to show the distress of the character. We also used the steadi-cam to film Stacey moving back slowly, again to build tension and effectively draw audiences in and it was also used to have an emotional effect on audiences.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 17th November

Today we discussed adding more shots to the trailer, as Melissa discovered whilst watching back the rough cut of the trailer a couple of times that it does not flow and requires new shots to be added for some of the shots to make sense and support the continuity hypothesis. Melissa proposed that we film Stacey picking up her voodoo doll off of the floor as an opening shot (only Stacey's hand picking up the voodoo doll will be captured) to replace the classroom shot and film Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and her reaction to hearing strange voices in her head, her being tapped on her shoulder and then turning around. Melissa also proposed that we add a shot that shows Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and stroking it, the shot will appear as a jump cut and is there to confuse audiences, hence the psychological genre.

We all agreed as a group there should be shot showing Stacey running down the corridor towards the doors that lead to the janitor's closet, Melissa suggested we film Stacey in a state of panic as she runs down the corridor and through the doors. I personally feel that using a steadi-cam to film this will work in our favour as it can create jerky images that will create a feeling of urgency and chaos. We also discussed the janitor's closet shot in terms of the arrangement of the shots, which are; Stacey opens the door, drops her bag, sees dead self and the slams door. Melissa suggested Stacey moving back slowly in shock when she sees her dead-self holding the voodoo doll that was once in her hand and dropping her back in a state of panic and then slamming the door shut, which then leads to the closing shot of Stacey being tapped on the shoulder.

Monday 15 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 15th November

Today we spent the lesson recording sound effects, including; Stacey screaming for the stairway shot, the slight slamming of the door as Stacey runs towards the janitor's closet and the door handle being pressed down and then the door being slammed. In terms of recording Stacey screaming, we decided to record this after school hours when there are less students and staff around, so as not to be too disruptive and interfere with other students' learning. In addition, the screaming may alarm people into believing there is a real emergency. The handle being pressed down will be recorded in the art room as there is a door within the room for the reason the handle does not produce a loud echoe on the sound recorder in comparison to recording the sounds at the filming locations. The slamming of the door will also be filmed in the same location so as to save time and for there to be sound similarities and continuity.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 10th November

Today we decided to take a backseat in filming the trailer and wanted to focus more on the magazine cover, poster and blogger. We all agreed that it would be a good idea if we split up to work on the magazine cover, poster and blogger so that there is a good balance of work in each section.
 Joshua began to work on the templates for the poster and the editing of one of the posters, using Photoshop to improve the quality of the photograph. Melissa also helped Joshua with deciding on the most suitable font for one of the posters, for the trailer, and which photographs we should use for promoting the trailer. Melissa also worked on blogger, making new posts and organising them. I used this time to take photographs for the poster; this involved capturing blood dripping down Stacey's face and her emotions in a way that communicates with audiences and is captivating.

Monday 8 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 8th November

Today we spent the lesson discussing our shots and whether we need to re-film any shots. We also spent today deciding whether one or two group member's will edit the trailer together and where e.g. at school or at home. Even though we did not film today, the lesson was not wasted, for the reason that the discussion opened our eyes to the fact that some of our shots are not up to scratch and require re-filming.
The shots that we have decided to re-film are; all the corridor shots; the conversation between the main character and her friends needs to be scripted so that the different shots use match e.g. using an over the shoulder shot to show conversation and the last shot were Stacey's shoulder is tapped. This shot needs to re-filmed because one of the members of the group can be seen tapping Stacey; they should not be seen at all in the shot.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Weekly Update

Thursday 4th November

Today we filmed the stairway shot where Stacey is captured suffering, scared, with blood rolling down her cheeks and coughing up blood. This shot is used to show the audience what the mysterious person is capable of doing. The fact that the person causing this pain has not yet been seen helps build tension and can have a emotional effect on the viewers. This shot also helps the audiences feel empathy for the character and understand what the character is feeling. In this shot we decided to show the person stroke Stacey's face which consequently adds to her pain, this in turn helps the theme flow better and builds on the audience's expectations.

Today we have finally finished filming, and we now start to edit our trailer.

Monday 1 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 1st November

Today we filmed the opening scene where Stacey is in her classroom doing group work with her classmates. This is the first shot in which the audience are introduced to the mysterious tap, which is then repeated at the end of the trailer. The classroom scene establishes the setting and introduces us to the main character and the mysterious and peculiar activities that will often occur around or to her.
Lighting was a struggle at first, but after adding more lights and moving them about, we finally achieved a balanced enough level of lighting for the shot.
For the tap, one of the member's of our group had to lay on the floor so as not to be seen on camera.