Wednesday 10 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 10th November

Today we decided to take a backseat in filming the trailer and wanted to focus more on the magazine cover, poster and blogger. We all agreed that it would be a good idea if we split up to work on the magazine cover, poster and blogger so that there is a good balance of work in each section.
 Joshua began to work on the templates for the poster and the editing of one of the posters, using Photoshop to improve the quality of the photograph. Melissa also helped Joshua with deciding on the most suitable font for one of the posters, for the trailer, and which photographs we should use for promoting the trailer. Melissa also worked on blogger, making new posts and organising them. I used this time to take photographs for the poster; this involved capturing blood dripping down Stacey's face and her emotions in a way that communicates with audiences and is captivating.

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