Wednesday 17 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 17th November

Today we discussed adding more shots to the trailer, as Melissa discovered whilst watching back the rough cut of the trailer a couple of times that it does not flow and requires new shots to be added for some of the shots to make sense and support the continuity hypothesis. Melissa proposed that we film Stacey picking up her voodoo doll off of the floor as an opening shot (only Stacey's hand picking up the voodoo doll will be captured) to replace the classroom shot and film Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and her reaction to hearing strange voices in her head, her being tapped on her shoulder and then turning around. Melissa also proposed that we add a shot that shows Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and stroking it, the shot will appear as a jump cut and is there to confuse audiences, hence the psychological genre.

We all agreed as a group there should be shot showing Stacey running down the corridor towards the doors that lead to the janitor's closet, Melissa suggested we film Stacey in a state of panic as she runs down the corridor and through the doors. I personally feel that using a steadi-cam to film this will work in our favour as it can create jerky images that will create a feeling of urgency and chaos. We also discussed the janitor's closet shot in terms of the arrangement of the shots, which are; Stacey opens the door, drops her bag, sees dead self and the slams door. Melissa suggested Stacey moving back slowly in shock when she sees her dead-self holding the voodoo doll that was once in her hand and dropping her back in a state of panic and then slamming the door shut, which then leads to the closing shot of Stacey being tapped on the shoulder.

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