Wednesday 12 January 2011

Weekly Update

Wednesday 12th January 2011

Today, we have completed all our filming; which includes the new shots we have added. Today was our study day at school, but as a group we saw it as an opportunity to finally finish all the filming that needed to be done and focus on written work on blogger and the magazine cover and poster designs. We all arrived at school for 11am to start filming and left at 3pm, which was more than enough time to do our filming. In that time slot, we filmed Stacey with the voodoo doll, her running down the corridor and the closing shot of a tap on the shoulder at the end. The most complex shot of them all was the corridor shot. We had to decide how the lights will follow Stacey and what facilities can we use to create a feeling of panic and urgency. We decided in the end that because it would be too difficult to run with the lights as they are large and narrow, we should use the main light supply in the corridor as it shouldn't make too much of a difference to the shot and to use a steadi-cam to create the jerky images to create a feeling of panic.

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