Monday 18 October 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 18th October As this is the last week before we break up for half-term, our aim is to try and get as much filming done as possible, so that we can spend the half-term working on blogger and the editing after the break, to ensure we finish our coursework on time. Today we filmed the corridor shot where Stacey talks with her friends and hears voices in her head and appears puzzled and lost around her friends. For this shot we used a medium close up and over the shoulder shot, to bring us closer to the actors. We used two members of a different group in media to be Stacey's friends for the reason that it is highly convenient for us, as using people who are non-media students is highly unreliable as it is unlikely for them to always be available every time we need them to film, or for that re-doing shots. We also used random students to be in the background of the shot, as we hoped we would get the shots we needed all in one take. Filming these shots took a very long time to try to film, as the lighting in the corridor is very unbalanced and we had to be very careful about the placement of the lighting so as to prevent it being seen on camera. We used two big lights and one small light to light the corridor, which still showed up on the camera as not enough and so this meant changing the camera shot from a long shot which was our first intention to a medium close-up. As we didn't achieve the shots we wanted and we have decided to continue filming into the next lesson.

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