Wednesday 20 October 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 20th October

We used this lesson to re-film the corridor shots, because on Monday when we had tried to film we had difficulty with the lighting in terms its position, where it cannot be seen on camera and ensuring all the actors and extras appearing in the shot are lighted, and that the light is balanced. In addition, because we went against our storyboard and made slight changes, it became very confusing when trying film.
Today, filming was much easier as we knew where the lighting and actors had to be placed. We knew exactly how we wanted the shot to look and roughly how long we would like it to be. Only minor changes were made to the storyboard, e.g we added an over the shoulder shot to break the monotony of using medium close-up shots and to show conversation. We also used this lesson to film Stacey opening a door and running as a result of her hearing voices in her head; this was capturing in a continuous shot. Stacey's hand is seen opening the door and then running into the dark distance.

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