Monday 14 February 2011

Evaluation| Q3. Feedback


Facebook is a very popular social networking site, today and is the perfect platform to use to commuciate to young audiences that being between 16-25, our target audience. Facebook is regularly used by audiences to commuciate with lots friends in a short space of time and allows people to view other people's profile and comment on their profile, e.g. pictures.

We created a group to promote our teaser trailer, which is under the production name of'; Motionless Pictures [Media Group] and contains the trailer, links to the trailer on youtube and the posters.

We used facebook to get feedback on our posters by; tagging random friends, so that the comments are not too similar or biased, asking them to comment on the poster.

The comments that are bolded show positive feedback on specifc features of the poster.

What I have learnt from this feedback, is that according to the comments; the quality of the poster is very good, in terms of; manual focus on the hand, it is a substle detail but yet very effective, the use of a green filter helps to emphasis the use of blood and matches the convention of horror. I have also learnt from my comments that audiences understand the our product and are fond of it and so this may intrigue them enough to view our main product, for which our poster is promoting, that is Hysteria, our horror teaser trailer.



Regarding feedback from the film magazine, I decided to collect comments from to highly popular areas which I thought I would generate responses from was Facebook and Blackberry Messaging. These two social networking devices are used regularly by targeted as being within the age range as a media consumer owning a blackberry and Facebook allowed me to be aware of this. Being a media consumer and producer has been quite useful to know how and where to collect information accurately. In the beginning of the project ways in which we received feedback before creating our production finding peoples views and thoughts based around the genre of horror films was conceived through survey monkey. With the use of this feedback engine, it gave us more or less accurate results in regards to our question, but in the number of people who actually filled out the survey was quite small. This was due to lack of advertising and promotion to bring awareness to our audience that there was a survey for them to fill out. I noticed this downfall and improved on it by making sure constant promotion and posts were available for the audience to see many of for them to actually notice. 

In terms of the Feedback i received from Facebook it was quite information I selected and print screened certain people’s feedback as some where more helpful and sensible than others

Looking at the first persons comment Aaron James, his feedback was quite constructive and informative as he linked currently made magazines to this one and spoke about the features my magazine has in order to help me sell the magazine which is one of the most important purposes of a magazine.

The print screen above shows a number of other people’s feedback. As you can see her there were different levels of description and depth of explanation. This is understandable as it shows the level of media that each may be exposed to which will affect there explanation in talking about print media. Also considering that I did publish this I did attract my target market but at the same time I attracted a particular gender which seems to have been a male audience. This is not too surprising but then again is. I say this because females may not really have a thing for horror films but on the other hand we represented our protagonist to be a female but the again the use of excessive blood and gore we used was not necessarily pleasing to the eye.

Blackberry Messenger has become one of the latest era of social networking as it is a faster way to communicate with people through reception at a cheaper price if not on contract. As well as this, all sorts of media can be sent through such as pictures, music, files and voice notes. 
Ways in which I received my feedback from my target was in many ways. I put my magazine as my display picture and updated statuses as a way of alerting my audience to comment and give constructive feedback. As I know some people were lazy I send out broadcasts to people and was persistent in getting feedback. This again only gave me very little responses. I then individually pinged my target market one by one as that was that the only way I knew they would reply. Taking into account I only received feedback from males on Facebook, I made it a point of duty to attract females first to make it sure my reviews weren’t biased.   

Overall, I would say the feedback received from my target audience were roughly fair. I took into account the types of audiences I was receiving feedback from and obviously the structure of response they would have been able to give me. For example some media consumers were not able to express in detail why they liked my media products and what they liked about it. I would say these audience types did not do media or had poorer communication skills in expressing in detail why the did or did not like the magazine. Feedback I received other targeted audiences were either more information rich in order to be exposed to more media than others or either be media producers themselves to be able to give a constructive feedback response.


The video above contains feedback given by audiences at our college. The feedback given helped us because we were able to identify the different elements of the poster which were successful and some which were not as successful, in bringing across the codes and conventions for the users. Some of these are below:

One of the main props used was the voodoo doll, which was used on one of the posters. The use of depth of field for this image worked to a large degree because this allowed for the audience’s eyes to be first attracted to the prop. This in return created an enigma code for the audience and a sense of want because they question the reason why the prop is in the poster and why it is the most noticeable element of the poster. This is good for the production company because this creates a buzz for the trailer and would cause a higher number of audiences for the trailer.

One of our main objectives (goals) we planned to achieve was to have continuity between the three media text we produced, and as you can see in the video above the use of the green filter for the lighting was noticed by the feedback buddies at college. This is a great achievement for us because the audience decode this effect, in the manner we wished for. Which is that the green filter creates a gritty atmosphere which helps to indirect the sense of death helps to connote the genre of horror.

The use of the captions at the top of the posters helps to give the audience a vague understanding behind the narrative of the trailer. This then helps them to be aware of the genre which is horror due to the captions provide an element of death.

1 comment:

  1. Feedback: this response is far too short. where is the information about feedback from you tube?

    and where is your feedback info on your magazine front page? please speak to me urgently.
