Thursday 23 December 2010

Initial Drafted Ideas| Film Magazine

Inital Idea 1

Initial Idea 2

Initial Idea 3

Initial Drafted Ideas| Film Poster

Inital Idea 1

This initial idea was brought up when we were shooting our grim sink scene in the janitor's closet. As the voodoo doll plays quite a big impact in this teaser trailer, I thought it was a good idea to portray it as a poster. We see the full image of Stacey's dead body, but for the poster I decided to cut out her facial reaction as it reveals too much to the audience and spoils the suspense and buzz when the audience do happen to see the trailer.

Initial Idea 2

My second idea was that Stacey was placed in a centre medium long looking very out of placed compared to the way we see other people walking past. As Stacey is the main protagonist in our teaser trailer, making her stand out would give the audience an idea of what the film is about. An idea for this shot is that it can be portrayed in a shutter shot whereby Stacey could be left in a still clear shot and her surroundings can be blurred out, making Stacey the main object

Initial Idea 3

Initial Idea 4

Initial Idea 5

Initial Idea 6

Monday 13 December 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 13th December 2010

This week, we are strictly focusing on editing and filming in order to try and meet the deadline of the 18th December to post the finished trailer on Youtube.
Today we filmed Stacey running through the corridor using a steadi-cam; to make sure the shot was not too dark, two members of the group had to follow Stacey as she ran through the corridor to the doors. We made sure the distance  was short to ensure the shot remained lighted and is quick.

Monday 6 December 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 6th December 2010

Because of the snow last week, we missed out on two lessons which could have been used to film, so it means we have to work twice as hard to meet our deadline for uploading our finished trailer onto Youtube, which we are using to distribute our teaser trailer.
Today, we spent the lesson doing further editing and recording more sound effects for the new shot and some again, because some of the sounds were lost on the sound recorder.

Monday 29 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 29th November 2010

Today, we spent the lesson focusing on blogger, making new posts and updating posts. We also used this time to discuss any changes we want to make to the trailer and any ideas for the magazine cover and poster.

Monday 22 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 22nd November 2010

Today, we filmed the new shot with Stacey panicking to open the door for the janitor's closet and backing away in distress using a steadi-cam. Lighting was a variable that was difficult to control as the slightest movement of the camera often caused the shot to lack lighting and become dark. After moving the lighting about several times, we achieved a position that works best for the shot. In terms of the shot with Stacey panicking to open the door, we used the steadi-cam to help build tension and suggest the character is feeling anxious. We used a tilt from the handle to the character's face, to show the distress of the character. We also used the steadi-cam to film Stacey moving back slowly, again to build tension and effectively draw audiences in and it was also used to have an emotional effect on audiences.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 17th November

Today we discussed adding more shots to the trailer, as Melissa discovered whilst watching back the rough cut of the trailer a couple of times that it does not flow and requires new shots to be added for some of the shots to make sense and support the continuity hypothesis. Melissa proposed that we film Stacey picking up her voodoo doll off of the floor as an opening shot (only Stacey's hand picking up the voodoo doll will be captured) to replace the classroom shot and film Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and her reaction to hearing strange voices in her head, her being tapped on her shoulder and then turning around. Melissa also proposed that we add a shot that shows Stacey looking at the voodoo doll and stroking it, the shot will appear as a jump cut and is there to confuse audiences, hence the psychological genre.

We all agreed as a group there should be shot showing Stacey running down the corridor towards the doors that lead to the janitor's closet, Melissa suggested we film Stacey in a state of panic as she runs down the corridor and through the doors. I personally feel that using a steadi-cam to film this will work in our favour as it can create jerky images that will create a feeling of urgency and chaos. We also discussed the janitor's closet shot in terms of the arrangement of the shots, which are; Stacey opens the door, drops her bag, sees dead self and the slams door. Melissa suggested Stacey moving back slowly in shock when she sees her dead-self holding the voodoo doll that was once in her hand and dropping her back in a state of panic and then slamming the door shut, which then leads to the closing shot of Stacey being tapped on the shoulder.

Monday 15 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 15th November

Today we spent the lesson recording sound effects, including; Stacey screaming for the stairway shot, the slight slamming of the door as Stacey runs towards the janitor's closet and the door handle being pressed down and then the door being slammed. In terms of recording Stacey screaming, we decided to record this after school hours when there are less students and staff around, so as not to be too disruptive and interfere with other students' learning. In addition, the screaming may alarm people into believing there is a real emergency. The handle being pressed down will be recorded in the art room as there is a door within the room for the reason the handle does not produce a loud echoe on the sound recorder in comparison to recording the sounds at the filming locations. The slamming of the door will also be filmed in the same location so as to save time and for there to be sound similarities and continuity.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 10th November

Today we decided to take a backseat in filming the trailer and wanted to focus more on the magazine cover, poster and blogger. We all agreed that it would be a good idea if we split up to work on the magazine cover, poster and blogger so that there is a good balance of work in each section.
 Joshua began to work on the templates for the poster and the editing of one of the posters, using Photoshop to improve the quality of the photograph. Melissa also helped Joshua with deciding on the most suitable font for one of the posters, for the trailer, and which photographs we should use for promoting the trailer. Melissa also worked on blogger, making new posts and organising them. I used this time to take photographs for the poster; this involved capturing blood dripping down Stacey's face and her emotions in a way that communicates with audiences and is captivating.

Monday 8 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 8th November

Today we spent the lesson discussing our shots and whether we need to re-film any shots. We also spent today deciding whether one or two group member's will edit the trailer together and where e.g. at school or at home. Even though we did not film today, the lesson was not wasted, for the reason that the discussion opened our eyes to the fact that some of our shots are not up to scratch and require re-filming.
The shots that we have decided to re-film are; all the corridor shots; the conversation between the main character and her friends needs to be scripted so that the different shots use match e.g. using an over the shoulder shot to show conversation and the last shot were Stacey's shoulder is tapped. This shot needs to re-filmed because one of the members of the group can be seen tapping Stacey; they should not be seen at all in the shot.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Weekly Update

Thursday 4th November

Today we filmed the stairway shot where Stacey is captured suffering, scared, with blood rolling down her cheeks and coughing up blood. This shot is used to show the audience what the mysterious person is capable of doing. The fact that the person causing this pain has not yet been seen helps build tension and can have a emotional effect on the viewers. This shot also helps the audiences feel empathy for the character and understand what the character is feeling. In this shot we decided to show the person stroke Stacey's face which consequently adds to her pain, this in turn helps the theme flow better and builds on the audience's expectations.

Today we have finally finished filming, and we now start to edit our trailer.

Monday 1 November 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 1st November

Today we filmed the opening scene where Stacey is in her classroom doing group work with her classmates. This is the first shot in which the audience are introduced to the mysterious tap, which is then repeated at the end of the trailer. The classroom scene establishes the setting and introduces us to the main character and the mysterious and peculiar activities that will often occur around or to her.
Lighting was a struggle at first, but after adding more lights and moving them about, we finally achieved a balanced enough level of lighting for the shot.
For the tap, one of the member's of our group had to lay on the floor so as not to be seen on camera.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 27th September

Today we started filming our horror teaser trailer. Our first shot was the janitor's closet shot; whereby the main actor (Stacey) sees her dead self in the sink and slams the door hard. In terms of the shot of the Stacey slamming the door hard, we want the shot to be abrupt, so as to portray Stacey's feelings to audiences i.e. feeling frightened.  The sink shot, took a very long time to film as we had to do many takes for the reason that we wanted to use a variety of camera angles to film Stacey in the sink. We also had to create a body angle that appears distorted and uncomfortable for Stacey as she playing a dead person.
Make-up also took a long time to do, as the blood needed to look realistic in order to make audience believe it is real. In addition, we had to think carefully about the camera movement so as to help build tension. This shot was filmed first as it is the most time consuming and in terms of location the most complex, for the reason that it is very difficult to light as light is only entering from one direction that is through the open door. In addition, we had to ensure the lighting is balanced and the emphasis is placed on the main actor rather than the setting.

Friday 22 October 2010

Weekly Update

Monday 22 September 2010

Last week Wednesday at our weekly meeting, we discussed giving each member of the group something to ask audiences in the questionnaire for audience research. In this lesson we have combined the all questions together to make one questionaire and have began to distribute the questionaire through social networking sites such as; Facebook and MSN Messenger and devices via Blackberry messenger. We also distributed questionnaires to students and staff in college and to people outside college. As homework, members of the group each have a responsibility in the blogging of the audience research, e.g. one person gathers all the results from the including from the social networking sites and devices, another person creates the graphs and two people write about the graphs, this way the work is divided equally and fairly and done quickly.

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Weekly Update

Wednesday 20th October

We used this lesson to re-film the corridor shots, because on Monday when we had tried to film we had difficulty with the lighting in terms its position, where it cannot be seen on camera and ensuring all the actors and extras appearing in the shot are lighted, and that the light is balanced. In addition, because we went against our storyboard and made slight changes, it became very confusing when trying film.
Today, filming was much easier as we knew where the lighting and actors had to be placed. We knew exactly how we wanted the shot to look and roughly how long we would like it to be. Only minor changes were made to the storyboard, e.g we added an over the shoulder shot to break the monotony of using medium close-up shots and to show conversation. We also used this lesson to film Stacey opening a door and running as a result of her hearing voices in her head; this was capturing in a continuous shot. Stacey's hand is seen opening the door and then running into the dark distance.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Making Of The Production Logo| Motionless Pictures

This part of the blog shows the making of the logo; after various trial and error, I was able to create the logo which best suited our production 'company'.

Photographs| Behind The Scene Shots

This section of the blog shows the stages of filming for the stairway shots.

For this scene we used the fake blood prop; the actor's face was covered in blood to help create the atmosphere of distortion.

Also to help the scene seem more realistic, the actor then took a handful of blood and placed this into her mouth. Which can be seen in the image below.

Behind The Scenes Filming And Planning For The Corridor Shot

Rhis section of the blog shows the stages of filming for the corridor shots.

Filming And Planning For The Janitors Closet Scene

For the early stages of filming the scene, we set up the camera and tripod. This part was not very difficult because we had already been shown last year how to set up the tripod and camera.

The next stage was to set up the lights, the whole group thought this would be the easiest part of the set up for the filming, but it was actually the hardest part of the set up, mainly because we had not taken the lighting very seriously. Below you can see a photo of Jocelyn one of the group members trying to set up the light in a better postion.

As time went on, we were still trying to find the best postions for the lights and we had our actor standing in various postions, repeating the scene over and over again.

One of the main issues we had with the lights is that the lights were reflecting against the red door because the paint used is non-reflective. This affected us greatly because anywhere the lights were postioned there was a bright white light on door, such as the one seen in the above photograph.

In the photo above you can see a dimmer was used on the lights to try and reduce the amount of light being reflected against the door, but this was not successful because the reflection was still shown on the door.

After some time we can up with an idea which was to change the shot from a medium shot to a close up, this was successful because the reflection off the door was not shown in the shot.

For the last shot of the scene we decieded to lower the tripod to the lowest postion possible so that we could get a low perspective of the action happening in the scene. This was a success because as the prop of the pink bag drops into the shot it makes the shot seem more dramatic and intense.

In conclusion, the filming for this scene of the trailer was successful, but in the early stages we did not think the shot would be possible. Then, after thinking for some time and with support from our teacher, we were able to film the scene.

Location Setup & Meeting: Janitors Closet

Monday 18 October 2010

Test Shots: Group Scene

Weekly Update

Monday 18th October As this is the last week before we break up for half-term, our aim is to try and get as much filming done as possible, so that we can spend the half-term working on blogger and the editing after the break, to ensure we finish our coursework on time. Today we filmed the corridor shot where Stacey talks with her friends and hears voices in her head and appears puzzled and lost around her friends. For this shot we used a medium close up and over the shoulder shot, to bring us closer to the actors. We used two members of a different group in media to be Stacey's friends for the reason that it is highly convenient for us, as using people who are non-media students is highly unreliable as it is unlikely for them to always be available every time we need them to film, or for that re-doing shots. We also used random students to be in the background of the shot, as we hoped we would get the shots we needed all in one take. Filming these shots took a very long time to try to film, as the lighting in the corridor is very unbalanced and we had to be very careful about the placement of the lighting so as to prevent it being seen on camera. We used two big lights and one small light to light the corridor, which still showed up on the camera as not enough and so this meant changing the camera shot from a long shot which was our first intention to a medium close-up. As we didn't achieve the shots we wanted and we have decided to continue filming into the next lesson.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Test Shots: Door Scene

The video above contains the test shots of one of the scenes for production of our trailer. We shot the scene a various number of times so that we could have a variety of shots to pick from some shots of high-quality and some shots were not up to standard. The video shows a few of these shots, and the shot which we chose to use.

These two shots (Shot 1 MS, Shot 2 MCU), were shot in two different shots this allowed us to pick the best shot which best suited the narrative.

Shot 4 (MCU) was not a good shot to a great extent because the shot was not in focus which did not create the narrative we wished to create. We wanted the audience to notice the door handle in immense detail.

Shot 5 (MS) was shot at a low angle, so we could experiment with the type of narrative it would create. The only disadvantage of this shot was the shadow that was created by the lights.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Test Shots: Janitors Closet

The video above contains the test shots of one of the first scenes which shot in the production of our trailer. We shot the scene a various number of times so that we could have a variety of shots to pick from some shots of high-quality and some shots were not up to standard. The video shows a few of these shots, and the shot which we chose to use.
After trying various locations for the scene, we believed this location best helped create the gritty, tense, mysterious atmosphere we were trying to create, mainly because of the dirty sink, the different props around the sink such as the mops, cleaning liquids and much more that were used.

Most of the shots were of high quality but the disadvantage to a majority of the shots is the character moved in the shots when she was meant to be still, but I believe this can be fixed during the post-production period, because I believe I will be able to edit the shot to allow it cut before the actress moves.

This went well because as a group we were able to choose from various types of shots and come to a conclusion on which shot best described the narrative.

Make-Up in the Teaser Trailer

Make-up was briefly discussed in the previous ‘behind the scenes’ post. This post focuses on a more in depth look at the make-up used in our teaser trailer. The previous post can be viewed here: Make-up is often used to improve or alter the appearance of a person’s body. This is a common practice in film, in which the make-up process can last hours depending on the look that needs to be achieved. Due to problems with time during the filming process, there was often not enough time to spend doing make-up in such a professional way. In many of the scenes we filmed, I (as the actress) wore none. This is uncommon in a film production, though it may have some advantages. The lack of make-up makes the protagonist appears more natural, which may make her more relatable among ‘ordinary’ teenage girls, and may give the film a more realistic sense. The main scene in which we did use make up was the scene in the janitor’s closet, in which we attempted to make the protagonist appear dead. Make-up used in scene: • Foundation no. 1 ‘Light’ • Talcum Powder • Black pencil eyeliner • Blue liquid eyeliner • Black eye shadow • Purple eye shadow • Blue eye shadow • Blue lip gloss • Ben Nye Stage Blood Steps in Make-up application 1. The first thing I did was brush my hair back from around my face and remove my piercings. This ensures that the make-up will not get into the hair and will be even around the area where my piercings are. 2. The first step in the actual application of the make-up was to add a thin layer of foundation to my face. I had to use the lightest shade because my skin is very pale; foundation works best if it looks natural and to do this it is important to have a shade as similar to the skin as possible. Normally foundation would be used to hide skin imperfections but in this case its purpose was to make the powder and the rest of the make-up stick to my face better. 3. Next, I applied a layer of talcum powder to face. The foundation helped here as the powder does not stick to the face naturally. Using white powder gives the pale look commonly associated with horror movies and death. 4. I then applied a thin layer of the black eyeliner. This was more for the characterisation than to accomplish the look of death, as we were trying to develop a specific look for the character. I also smudged the eyeliner, as crying, heat, being left in a sink, and the body beginning to deteriorate all would have played a part of making it run. 5. I applied blue, purple and black eye shadow to eyes. This gives the appearance of bruised eyes. Darker eyes are common when imitating death but this also furthers the implication that the character has been tortured. 6. Next, I applied a thin layer of blue eye shadow to my face and a mix of the blue eye shadow and blue lip gloss on my lips. This is because bodies typically take a bluish tone after death due to lack of oxygen, particularly around the lips, eyes and nails. 7. With most of the make-up done, I then brushed my hair forward again and dampened it to give it a messy and stiffened look. 8. Finally, I applied the stage blood to my face and any other necessary areas, including the clothes and even some of my hair. This was to show how badly the protagonist had been tortured before her ‘death’. The blood was used again in the stairwell scene when the girl is being tortured. The bruising effect made by the mix of black, blue and purple eye shadow was also used on my wrists in the closet scene. This is because the scene when the girl’s hands were bound originally used rope, which would create a bruising effect.

Costume in the Teaser Trailer

Costume was briefly discussed in the previous ‘behind the scenes’ post. This post focuses on a more in depth look at the articles of clothing used and the possible meanings behind them.
The previous post can be viewed here:

Costume is an essential part of film and entertainment and is one of the five components of mise en scene. It includes the clothing, accessories and hairstyle of the character and establishes the time, location and setting of the scene. We wanted the costume of the protagonist in our production to make her stand out from other students, though the scenes featuring other characters have been cut out of the final production. Since I was heavily involved in the costume and make up as well as being the actress in the trailer, many of the ideas were inspired by my own style, which possibly helped to make the costume look more natural.

The protagonist’s hair is shoulder length, messy and is dyed a bright pink colour. The unnatural colour may suggest that there is something unusual about her. However, being a stereotypically feminine colour, it may also connote an image of childlikeness and innocence.
The dyed hair together with the snakebite piercings (one piercing on each side of the lower lip) could be considered the image of a young girl trying to appear older, as is typical in many teenagers. Dyed hair and piercings are also common of those in ‘alternative’ subcultures, which is the look we were going for.

The protagonist is seen wearing two different sets of clothing in the production. One article of clothing that is the same in both are the boots she wears. They are brown leather boots decorated with silver studs. This too is common with teenagers and typical in specific subcultures.
The girl also wears a padlock on a chain around her neck. This is important because a padlock has connotes an important secret.
The effect of the padlock is supported by the hoodie jacket the protagonist often wears. Hoodies are common articles of teenage clothing; however, the girl wears a male jacket that is too large for her. This may be interpreted as the jacket possibly coming from a brother, friend or boyfriend, or the girl simply choosing to wear a man’s jacket. No matter the interpretation, the hoodie may imply different possibilities about the protagonist; it could be a sign that she has something to hide, or possibly that she has something to hide from. It is likely that the audience will not actively pay attention to this fact, though the information may sink in subconsciously as they watch.
The most often seen outfit the protagonist wears, aside from these three garments, is a pair of jeans and a stripy long sleeve jumper. Both are considered normal clothing for teenagers and actually make her appear more ‘normal’.

We see another outfit in the scene where the protagonist finds her own body in the janitor’s closet. The camouflage style trousers fit in with the previous idea that she has something to hide or hide from. The style is also typical in the punk subculture and is common in teenagers trying to look different. She also wears a long sleeve grey shirt and a dark blue t-shirt over it, another common style in punk and alternative subcultures.. These colours are dull and as such may fit in with the idea that the girl is dead.
The rips and blood stains in her clothes tell the audience that she has been violently attacked.

Photographs| Behind The Scenes Shots Costume and Make-up

Here, Jocelyn was helping Stacey prepare for the scene in which she is placed in the closet to look dead. We gave her the effect of ripping and tearing her clothes to give her a distorted look.

To give our actor a dead look we used powders to make her look her pale as dead people usually look. We also used tones of ashy cold colours such as grey and blues to give her that grim and gloomy apperance. The eyeshadows were used around the eye and lip area.

To make sure make up wasnt being too overdone, we used wet wipes and blusher brushes to dush off the excess powder and eyeshadows.

With the hair we wet her her completely so than we could back comb it and make it look rough an coarse.

Test Shots: Unknown Tapping By Closet

The video above contains the test shots for one of the scenes which we shot in the production of our trailer. We shot the scene a various number of times so that we could have a variety of shots to pick from some shots of high-quality and some shots were not up to standard. The video shows a few of these shots, and the shot which we chose to use.

Test Shot One
· This shot was not up standard for our trailer because of the eye-level it did not create the right atmosphere we wished for it to bring across to the audiences. One of the advantages of this shot that we noticed after we had shot it was the depth of field this allowed us to create a shot where the main focus was on the glove and not the face of the protagonist character.

Test Shot Two
· This shot compared to shot one is wider the audience are able to see the protagonist character, but the disadvantage of this shot is this depth of field is affected because the audience can see more the characters face this means the shot looks like it is at disequilibrium because the shot is more out of focus then in.

Final Shot
· The final shot we filmed I believe was the best shot, I find the depth of field, colouring and shot type made the shot best capture the moment we wished to capture. The only disadvantage are the posters on the door on the left of the shot.

Weekly Update

Wednesday 13th October Today we filmed Stacey being tapped on the shoulder and looking around, which is one our ending shots in the trailer. This took less time to film, as Stacey was not required to have any special effects make-up on and was filmed in a compact corridor. For the tap, we used a member of the group, as we know better than anyone outside of the group how we want the shot to look. The main prop used in the shot was a leather glove on the hand that taps Stacey's shoulder. The black leather glove was used as it creates a sense of mystery and fear, the person is unseen and their identity is unknown, and is intended to make audiences wonder who this is.