Tuesday 21 September 2010

Textual Analysis of a Film Magazine - Empire

Magazines, along with newspapers, have long been an important part of the media industry. Most magazines give news, interviews, gossip and more on a specific subject. Empire is a British film magazine published monthly by Bauer Consumer Media. The issue discussed below is that of October 2002.

The masthead is the same font, size and location in almost all issues of the magazine. This is done so that the magazine is instantly recognizable and unique and works as a logo as well as a title. The font used on the magazine cover is a serif font. The masthead in this case is red with a white background. This is to fit in with the colour scheme of the issue, which is used to match the cover story of the issue, which is ‘Red Dragon’ of the ‘Hannibal’ series. Since red is in the name of the film it seems appropriate to show it in red font. The main cover line is also large. It is positioned at the lower left and centre of the magazine cover so that it does not interfere with the main image and is the typical location for it in most magazines. Also in the main cover line is a sentence to add more detail to the story. The choice of words again is intended to attract an audience. Naming the lead actor, Anthony Hopkins, will automatically draw in more fans of his movies. The phrase ‘one last bite’ is a reference to the plot of the film, which is about a cannibal. Next to the main cover line, in black font with a yellow background laid out to look like a sticker, the text says ‘world exclusive’. This is a common technique used by magazines. It is appealing to the audience and makes them more likely to buy the magazine if they believe they will be reading some exciting, completely new information and this would be the only magazine to read it.

On top of the ‘M’ in the masthead is the dateline and price of the magazine. These are smaller because they are considered to be not as important as the rest. Regular buyers of the magazine will know and accept the price, while a common reason for showing the price in smaller font is so that the audience is drawn in to want the magazine before they are influenced by its price. The barcode likewise is standard and appears at the lower left corner of the cover. The selling line appears just under the masthead, in a smaller font and in black. It reads ‘the UK’s no.1 movie magazine’. The selling line is used to make the magazine more attractive to the audience; describing it as the ‘no.1’ magazine tells the audience that it is the best choice. Text is laid out at the top, bottom and on both sides of the magazine, but the left third seems to contain most of the information, including the two smaller images and part of the masthead and main cover line. The left third is important for the magazine because of the way magazines are laid out in shops – the left third is often all that is seen so a magazine must stand out and be easily recognizable.

Other cover lines also work to attract the audience. The cover line about the film ‘Signs’ makes references to the Sixth Sense, mentioning the title instead of the actor and parodying the most famous line with the phrase ‘I see aliens’.
Another cover line states ‘win a part in a movie’ and mentions a ‘£20,000’ prize. These lines will also aid in persuading consumers to buy the product because this is an offer that will appeal to a wide audience. People will be more likely to buy something if they think they can get something from it.
A cover line in the top right corner stands out for its location as well as its colour scheme being yellow and white with a black background, saying ’40 pages of new films and DVDs’. This will appeal to a wide range of film fans and the inclusion of the number makes the audience believe that they are getting a good deal out of it.
Above the masthead the tagline also mentions a ‘TV Special’ which also widens the potential audience, particularly as it lists a variety of television programmes that will appeal to different audiences (Buffy, 24, the Sopranos). There is also a smaller image of the lead actress from ‘Buffy’.
At the bottom of the cover is another cover line with a larger font announcing the ‘full story’ for the second Harry Potter movie. Phrases such as ‘full story’ also appeal to the audience more and persuade them that they are getting more for their money. A small image is also included with the cover line.

The main image is a photograph of the actor Anthony Hopkins from the Hannibal film series. It is set so that his face is perfectly centred on the page and seems to be making eye contact with the viewer. A red filter is used and the image is low key and lighted artificially, giving an unnatural glow to his face. His expression is in character and attempts to give the same effect as watching the character in the film.

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